Clearer Insights into Timesheets with Power BI – DELA

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Business Intelligence
Power BI

DELA stands for “Draagt Elkanders Lasten” (Carry Each Other’s Burdens) and is part of a cooperative. DELA specializes in all aspects related to farewells, providing support to people during one of the most challenging times in their lives: the farewell of a loved one. Our organization has been around for over 85 years and has been present in Belgium since 1989, where it employs nearly 800 staff members who assist before, during, and after a funeral. DELA is best known as a funeral insurer but also operates around 70 highly qualified funeral homes across more than 120 locations in Belgium, three crematoria, and a repatriation center at Zaventem airport. Additionally, around 30 bereavement care consultants are available daily to help relatives with practical and administrative tasks after the funeral. DELA handles approximately 80% of repatriations and buries 1 in 10 Belgians. DELA is thus recognized as the funeral specialist of Belgium. In line with its social commitment, DELA established the DELAfonds, which supports initiatives aimed at making the difficult moments surrounding farewells more bearable.

The briefing

At DELA, the ClockWise tool is used for time tracking and project management. In ClockWise, the number of hours that employees and consultants have spent on projects, training, vacation days, etc., is recorded. However, it is difficult to get a clear overview of all logged hours and to conduct more in-depth analysis of this data within ClockWise. Therefore, DELA was looking for a way to display the data from ClockWise in a clear manner. Additionally, DELA wanted to be able to set what certain employees can and cannot see, depending on their role in the company.

Our solution

Our solution involved creating a report in Power BI. The report was developed following the DAR (Dashboard, Analysis, Report) principle. First, a general dashboard was created to provide a high-level overview of the logged hours, along with some insights. This allows the state of the worked hours to be viewed at a glance. Additionally, various analysis pages were created to examine different aspects of the logged hours in more detail. Each page answers a different question posed during the briefing and provides a basis for further analyses of the timesheet data.

Finally, a detail page was added where the data can be viewed at the lowest level. Furthermore, thanks to the direct connection between Power BI and ClockWise, the data can be quickly and easily loaded at any time.

To configure what certain employees can see within the report, we used Entra ID (Active Directory) with row-level security (RLS). Thanks to this feature in Power BI, it can be determined individually for each user what can be displayed. These permissions can be updated at any time in line with roles and responsibilities.

The result

DELA was looking for a way to display the timesheet data from ClockWise in a comprehensive and organized manner to assist with project management. Thanks to Power BI reporting, the data from ClockWise can now be easily accessed, with different pages in the report answering various questions they had. For example, it can quickly show who has not yet submitted their timesheets or which ones have not been approved, or provide a clear view of which projects have had the most hours booked in the past period.

The reporting provides faster and better answers to questions and eliminates the need to search for individual insights within ClockWise. Additionally, what can be displayed for each user in the report can be easily configured and adjusted, as it aligns with the roles and permissions within the Azure tenant.

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